#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # DATA GENERATION EXERCISE 2 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# You job is to load in the Duncan Occupational Prestige Data found from this website: http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Books/Companion/data.html Alternatively, if you have another dataset you are interested in using, you may explore that dataset. #Step 1: Load in the data #You should both download the csv file and read it in from your local file, and also read it in straight from the internet site #What command are you going to use? duncan <- read.table("http://socserv.mcmaster.ca/jfox/Books/Companion/data/Duncan.txt") duncan <- read.table(file="/users/jaimesettle/Desktop/duncan.txt") 1. Summarize the data--how many variables are there? how many cases? dim(duncan) 2. Look at subsets of the data head(duncan) tail(duncam) 3. What is the value of the education variable for the 35th case? duncan[35,] duncan[35,3] duncan$education[35] 4. What is the mean of the education variable? summary(duncan) summary(duncan$education) mean(duncan$education) 5. How many different types of occupations are there? table(duncan$type) 6. Which cases in the data have a prestige value greater than 85? which(duncan$prestige>85) 7. View the value of all cases of the prestige variable that are greater than 85 duncan$prestige[which(duncan$prestige>85)] 8. View the dataset for all cases in which prestige is higher than 85 duncan[which(duncan$prestige>85),]